7 Of The Most Expensive Cat Breeds


Known for their striking appearance and size, Savannah cats can cost thousands of dollars, particularly F1 and F2 generations.


A hybrid cat breed created by blending African serval, Asian leopard cat, and domestic cat genes, known for their rarity and high price tag.


Bengals are prized for their wild appearance and playful nature, with prices varying depending on pedigree and markings.


This breed is known for its lack of fur (though some have a coat), and they are valued for their unique appearance and rarity.

British Shorthair

Known for their round faces and dense coats, British Shorthairs can be costly, especially for show-quality cats with specific color patterns.

Scottish Fold

Recognized by their folded ears, Scottish Folds are sought after for their distinctive appearance, contributing to their high price.

Russian Blue

Known for their plush blue-gray coat and green eyes, Russian Blues are prized for their beauty and calm demeanor.

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