11 Rude Grocery Store Behaviours You Should Avoid

Left cart in parking lot

Leaving your cart in the parking lot is lazy and annoying for drivers trying to find a spot or pick up a grocery store app-ordered curbside haul.

Leaving checkout to grab more

This is worse than leaving your cart in the parking lot. Leaving your cart in the checkout line while you grab something else is rude to 80% of shoppers.

Cart Blocking The Aisle

Nine out of 10 shoppers think it's rude when your cart blocks their aisle. As you might expect, narrow aisles and busy shopping days make it harder to keep your cart out of others' way.

Cutting The Line

Cutting the checkout or deli line is the easiest way to offend everyone at the grocery store. A staggering 99% of shoppers said line-cutting is bad grocery store behavior.

Violation Into Others' Privacy

It's not a coincidence that nearly as many shoppers (94%) hate it when others invade their personal space.

Express-Lane Gaming

Don't pretend you don't know. Everyone knows your plans. Instead of using express, find the fastest grocery store line.

Allowing Kids To Misbehave

Every parent endures misbehaving kids. Most shoppers (92%), don't want to see your kids misbehaving at the store.

Not Returning Unwanted Items

Return things to its fixed places because 97% of shoppers will think you're rude and wasteful if you leave it elsewhere.