British Shorthair: Known for their calm demeanor and plush coat, British Shorthairs are affectionate and enjoy companionship.
Ragdoll: These cats are gentle and docile, often going limp when picked up, hence their name.
Maine Coon: Friendly and sociable, Maine Coons are large cats known for their playful personalities and fluffy tails.
Siamese: Vocal and affectionate, Siamese cats are known for their striking blue eyes and love of interacting with their owners.
Burmese: These cats are playful and outgoing, forming strong bonds with their human companions.
Exotic Shorthair: Similar to Persians but with shorter hair, Exotic Shorthairs have a sweet and gentle temperament, making them good for indoor living.
Scottish Fold: Recognizable by their folded ears, Scottish Folds are friendly and adaptable, enjoying both playtime and cuddles.
Russian Blue: Quiet and reserved, Russian Blues are known for their plush blue-gray coat and affectionate nature once they warm up to their owners.
Siberian: Despite their long fur, Siberian cats are surprisingly low-allergenic and known for their intelligence and friendly demeanor.
American Shorthair: Easygoing and low-maintenance, American Shorthairs are good-natured cats that get along well with children and other pets.